The concept of collecting energy from the atmosphere in real physics involves harnessing various natural sources of energy that exist in the air, such as wind, solar radiation, and even atmospheric electricity. Here are some of the ways this is currently being explored:
1. Wind Energy: Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of moving air into electrical energy. The motion of the atmosphere caused by the Earth’s rotation, temperature differences, and geographical features generates wind, which can be captured using turbines.
2. Solar Energy: Solar radiation is another form of atmospheric energy. Solar panels (photovoltaic cells) collect the sun's energy as it reaches Earth through the atmosphere, converting it into electrical power. Solar thermal systems also use this energy for heating.
3. Atmospheric Electricity: The Earth’s atmosphere contains an electrical charge. Lightning, for instance, is a natural discharge of this energy. Researchers have explored ways to collect this atmospheric electricity, though the technology to efficiently harvest it is not yet viable on a large scale.
4. Airborne Wind Energy (AWE): This technology is still in development, where high-altitude wind turbines, such as kites or drones, are designed to capture energy from stronger winds found at greater heights in the atmosphere. These systems are potentially more efficient than ground-based wind turbines.
5. Radio Frequency (RF) Energy Harvesting: The atmosphere contains ambient electromagnetic radiation, which is primarily due to broadcast signals, radar, and other transmissions. Some technologies are investigating ways to capture and convert these radio waves into usable electrical energy, though this remains an area of experimental research.
While these methods can harness energy from the atmosphere, they rely on well-understood physical principles such as the conversion of kinetic or electromagnetic energy into usable forms (like electricity). However, large-scale practical collection of atmospheric energy still faces technological and economic challenges.